Was just sitting in my office this afternoon,wen a lady rushed in(an occasional client btw.....rolling my eyes)...lol! U wld hav thought she was chased in by bokoharam hoodlums. U shlda seen d shock on my face when she asked me(in a fake innocent voice.....hahhaha,....don't worry told her I was gonna do ds,and she does'nt mind) to please help her mend her torn dress...... yeah,yeah I knoow wat ure thinkin.."Haba Molly thats a small thing naaaa..." wait till you hear d whole gist. My very gorgeous friend spent N1400 to my office just to stitch up a hole barely above 1inch.... You get my frustration now??.... I did it for a reasonable amount... yeah I did..................................
Anyway thhe essence of this post is to let you know You can do it all by yourself. Yup its dat easy,sewing yourself is way easier than you anticipated, I started my designing journey as a result of this. Wait,hold on b4 u pick up the needle and start stabbing urself....lol,here's a list of items you need:
2)Hand sewing needles
5)Tailoring Chalk/Pencil
6)Measuring Tape
Do you have them? Okay I'll wait,when you've got them,we'll continue.......... (Mighty big GRIN.....lol)
I'm ready when you are
ReplyDeleteHey,my dearest Aremooooo...(Covering face). Sorry. For delay... Am sure you hav seen d continuation of this...lol. Check it out dear and let me know how well your practicing is turnin out....